Popular Pays: motion branding

Animation & design

Motion values

The visual motion language of Popular Pays reflects the essence of the brand’s design guidelines. The motion is simple, natural, and is meant to reflect collaboration between brands and creators, displayed in a fun and playful way.



The transitions between different compositions can occur three different ways: Playing with the position and scale of the design elements, cut on action, or hard cuts.


The easing of movement used differs between elements. While the easing of shapes and pictures has to be dynamic and playful, the easing of typography is minimal and subtle.

Typography animation

When animating typography, we try to be as clear and straightforward 
as possible so the message can be 
easily understood. The animation should be dynamic but should not take focus away from the main animation. 
However, it should be on screen long enough to be read before moving on to the next text or composition.
You can play with the typography using variations of the font weight.